NEWater against water scarce
Is it possible to turn a sewage recycling system for food use into a brand? Since 2003 Singapore has responded positively with NEWater, the brand launched by PUB - the National Water Agency. NEWater is the water obtained from the recycling of sewage through microfiltration, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet rays, in order to create potable and non-potable water reserves. The ideahas its roots in the 70s, but the technological limits did not allow to realize the project until the 90s. Currently, the 5 active plants provide water for air cooling systems and for the construction industry, but during drought periods NEWater is added to the drinking water reserves through further treatment.
Among NEWater’s food usages, NEWBrew is the beer born in collaboration between PUB and the local producer Brewerkz, distributed in supermarkets since April 2022. Despite the neutral taste of NEWater, the opinion of consumer is divided between skepticism and curiosity. Making it clear that treated water is simple ready-to-use water is an aspect not to be underestimated, especially considering that - according to the World Wildlife Fund - 2.7 billion people struggle against water scarcity at least one month a year.