Electric Pruning Shears

Vulcano E30 TP

Year 2021
Customer Stocker
Category Tool

Regularly pruning a fruit tree has always been an essential condition for excellent plant growth and vital for an abundant harvest. It is a seasonal activity which requires commitment and perseverance for optimal success.

This, however, leads to considerable fatigue and exertion at the end of a working day. These electric shears, in addition to precisely cutting and enabling the pruning of branches with a diameter of up to 30 mm, save a great deal of effort and eliminate typical carpal tunnel disorders caused by normal shears after extensive use.

The design of the new Vulcano E30 electric pruning shears started with research conducted on industry operators, many of whom complained about heaviness and lack of balance at the tips of other shears. Starting from the positioning of technical elements, such as the cutting blades, the reducer, the motor and the battery, a tool was designed where optimal balance of weights and volumes were the main criteria from which the design of these new pruning shears was developed.


The handle was designed on the engine cylinder in two components to guarantee grip, while the front part, composed of cutting blades and a reducer, was designed by compressing the volumes to the maximum, allowing the user to better position themselves between branches. In order to better balance weight, the battery was placed at the base of the tool, making it well-integrated and protected.

The shears are operated by pulling a trigger, which is located underneath, in the safest and most ergonomic position. Additionally, a handy belt pouch was designed to securely store the shears when not in use, and when the work is done, a container allows you to store the shears, batteries and chargers for greater efficiency in use.

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