Leisure & Design
When one talks about leisure, the immediate connection is made to one's passions, and the time one devotes to self-fulfilling activities away from the frenetic rhythm of our daily routines. The worldwide rankings for expenditures among average consumers relating to leisure time (pre-lockdown), saw travel dominate in first place, followed by restaurants. In the medium term, the upheaval caused by the pandemic brought changes to people's ability to travel or dine out. Sporting activity, on the other hand, remains a way people of all ages and nearly all social classes continue to spend their free time.
The motivation to practice a given sport often leads individuals to become completely immersed in a specific discipline and invest a large amount of resources, both in terms of time and money.
The main role of the designer is to respond to the needs of as many people as possible both in the workplace and during the time spent on leisure and sports activities. First and foremost this entails developing safe equipment to prevent injuries, especially in sports which are potentially more dangerous. The most import features for everyone, and especially for beginners, are ease of use and comfort, in order to facilitate the learning of new movements. For more experienced athletes, however, the most important aspect is the search for ever better performance. To this end there is a continuous experimentation with new materials and models to increase the functionality of the equipment.
Regardless of the sport, all sports enthusiasts share an appreciation for attention to the aesthetic aspect. A certain type of outfit frequently communicates a style as well as a skill level.