Robotics & Design

Robotics & Design

Cooperation between humans and robots is essential in a world that is increasingly dependent on technology. Robots can improve quality of life by performing hazardous or alienating tasks in a range of environments.

Their market recorded a 25% growth on global levels in 2021 with a 70% increase in sales over the last 18 months. In 2022, a million robots will be sold in the logistics sector alone, for a turnover of over 31 billion dollars. Robotics in the service sector will reach 54.4 billion dollars in 2026. Artificial intelligence in the healthcare market will be increase from 6.9 billion dollars in 2021 to 67.4 billion dollars by 2027. Robotics will become an excellent aid in promoting sustainable development in farming, making agriculture more efficient and with a lower effect on the environment.


Italy is in sixth place for the number of new units installed, after China, Japan, the United States, South Korea, and Germany.

Their acceptance depends on reliability, easy use, and the benefit they are able to generate. Although their usefulness has been recognised in different tasks; in fact, robot use is not free from the fears of those who do not yet know their potential and value. This means multiple disciplines have an essential part to play in their design. Engineers and AI experts, but also sociologists, anthropologists and philosophers are involved in a continued discussion as to their development and application.

How should a humanoid robot look like?

The pleasant appeal of human similarity, as demonstrated by Japanese roboticist, Masahiro Mori in 1970, can achieve a point of realism beyond which the feeling of familiarity is transformed into a negative emotional reaction, almost anguish. In the new aesthetics of the machine, design serves to soften and minimise mechanical nature, but at the same time, it must also make the robot recognisable as such.

Designing robots with advanced functions

In the future, robots will be able to perform self-diagnoses and, at the same time, to repair themselves. They will also be used in the field of entertainment and education.

We will see sustainable robots, made with recycled and biodegradable materials, and powered by renewable sources, but also others, able to grow, regenerate, and change shape, thanks to biohybrid functions. The challenge for the future will be Biorobotics, the purpose of which is to create artificial life forms able to evolve their genetic code and adapt to the environment in which they are placed. The aim is to build increasingly efficient robots in terms of consumption, but which are also more flexible in terms of use.

Don’t miss our upcoming publications for more information about the new robot designed by MM Design!

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